Educational First Steps “Literacy Day” at the The Dallas Zoo. We had such a great time sharing the importance of literacy to parents and children as we gave away books to every child. Special thanks to Gustavo E Monsante, who took wonderful photos of the whole event!
Celebrate Writing and Reading!
Here’s Jan Peck presenting a program.
“My goal is to put on the most entertaining, inspiring, motivating program you’ve ever had!”
My presentation may include:
A GIANT 6’6” CARROT and a dramatic play of The Giant Carrot
(four state award nominees and starred review in School Library Journal )
starring your kids as the actors.
You’ll go ridin’ out West with Way Out West on My Little Pony and take a dive Way Down Deep in the Deep Blue Sea
or go on a Pirate Treasure Hunt, me maties!
I can tailor my program to what you want and need and the books that you wish to feature.
Inspiration for writing and reading.. Encouragement, inspiration and help with creative writing for kids and Adults!
I use lots of humor and comedy to hook students on reading and writing.
Special surprises and FREE gifts for all students and teachers!
For ages PreK-6th; large and small groups.
Teacher, Educator, Librarian In-Service
Finding Treasure in Picture Books!:
I will show how to use simple, inexpensive props to make books come alive and hook young readers.
I’ll give a running commentary on “how to” while presenting our humorous skits. Prepare to have fun!
This has been quite popular with Reading Associations, Library Associations, and Educator events.
Tricks, Tactics, and Techniques of A Published Author
“Tricks, Tactics, and Techniques from Published Authors: Thoughts on Traditional vs. E-book Publishing”–Jan Peck and David Davis share secrets to getting published and surviving the trials and tribulations of the writing life.
Jan Peck has over 40 years of experience. I’ve published writing with: About You! Books, Boys’ Life Magazine, Chicken Soup for the Kid’s Soul, Dial Books for Young Readers (Penguin/Putnam), Highlights for Children, Humpty Dumpty magazine, Pelican Publishing Company, Simon & Schuster BFYR, Sterling Publishing Company, Turtle Magazine, e-books, and many other assorted publications.
Real answers to your real questions about the realities of the publishing world! How I was broke-in how I stayed with it through struggles, got published–and you can too! To buy the book with the same information, please see: The Amazon Store.
Past presentations include:
Dallas Cable TV “Kid Talk”
FWISD Instructional Television Department “Storytime”
Dallas Council of the International Reading Association
Texas Council of Teachers of English
Texas Book Festival in Austin
Federation for the Blind, Summer Camp Program
Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators conference in Austin
Annual Young Writers’ Workshop, Mesquite
Numerous programs for schools, libraries, and bookstores
Imagination Celebration
International Reading Association
Texas Library Association Convention
Appearances at Southeastern Bookseller’s Association
West Texas Book and Author Festival
Texas State Reading Association conventions and programs
Arkansas Reading Association Conference
Kansas Reading Recovery Conference
Trinity Writers’ Workshop/Tarrant County College Writers’ Conference
Abilene Book Festival
Corpus Christi, Texas Children’s Book Festival
Fees: $150 for an interactive online Zoom program with the author
Please E-mail janpeck-at-gmail-dot-com (to stop robots from reading this info) for more information and booking schedule.
I am PTA president at SAISD’s Japhet Elementary. I read about you in mysa. I was intrigued and excited by the article. I would like to get more information about your reading programs. I think you could inspire the children of Japhet. These kids need to get exposure to more positive influences. Many of these children just need to be shown that books are awesome, whether they are reading them or writing them themselves.
Thank you for your time, Bobbie
Thank you for contacting me, Ms. Kite!
I would love to see the article you were reading in MYSA. I’ve not seen it, yet. When did it come out?
We can also do Skype visits. Please send me more information about the ages of your students, and whether you would be interested in a virtual visit.
Best wishes and golden fishes,
Jan Peck
Hi, Bobbie, Thank you for your email. Sounds like you have a wonderful president of your PTA! Please see my “Fun Stuff for Kids” for more ideas of what to do. If you want, we could try a Facetime/Skype meeting with your school. Please just let me know what would work for you! All best wishes! Jan
Hi Jan,
Just finished looking at your website. I remember when you did the pumpkin story. I bet you and David really have fun with those school presentations. I still have the Haynes Award on my wall that the chapter presented back in “96” and remember all the conferences we set up and attended.
Remember all the meetings and Christmas parties we had. That was fun. I looked up the chapter’s website – see where they ceased to exist and merged with the North Texas Chapter. I was a bit disappointed that all the Chapter Advisers except me is listed in the history section – True, I was mostly a “nuts & bolts” person -not much of a writer – but I would have thought my 24 years as Adviser would have counted for something.
Incidentally, since Mary passed away a couple of years ago, I’ve gotten with it and finished my story taken from my grandfather’s memoirs and am now searching for an agent & publisher. I’m asking Jim & Betsy to let me send them a review copy after I’ve found a publisher. Do you know any other of our old chapter friends that have done well with their middle-grade or YA books that I might contact? Just a thought.
Thanks for all the help you gave through the years to writers and would-be writers.
Wishing you the best!
Carl, please send an email to SCBWI and have them put in the information about your Charter contribution to the Chapter! You were a founding member! Love YOU, Jan